
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Ingredients Of Indonesian Dishes

By Hermawan Wan
Indonesia dishes are amongst the most delicious in the world, to make Indonesian dishes we need a lot of ingredients. But sometime we have a problem to find or to know ingredients we need to make Indonesian dishes.
Have the following ingredients on hand in your pantry to make it easier to prepare Indonesian-style dishes. Most ingredients can be found in your local supermarket or greengrocer. Some of the specialized ingredients can be found in Asian Food stores.
These is some of the following ingredients of Indonesian dishes:
- Capsicum: Also known as red or green peppers.- Capsicum:From the candleberry tree, these nuts look like macadamia nuts and taste like Brazil nuts. Available from Asian Food strores.- Cardamon: Spice from the ginger family. Seeds are purchased whole, either in or out of their pods, or grounds.- Chillies: Small red chillies are the hottest. The larger red chillies are milder and green chillies are milder still. Seeds are often discarded as they are the hottest part of the chilli.- Coconut Cream: Thick white liquid that rises to the surface when coconut milk is left to stand.- Coconut Milk: This is not the juice from the inside of the fresh coconut but the liquid extracted from the white flesh.- Coriander: Indonesians use only the seed of the coriander plant, not the leaves or roots.- Cumin: An aromatic spice with a pungent flavour, seeds are available whole or ground.- Egg Noodles (fine, dry): looks like fine spaghetti which has been wound into a small bundles.- Ginger: Fresh ginger root is recommended, rather than dried. Indonesians also use laos and galagal which give a similar flavour and are occasionally available fresh from Asian Food stores.- Palm Sugar: Dark brown sugar made from the juice of the coconut palm flower. Sold in hard blocks, cut off required amount and crush it. Available from Asian Food stores.- Peanut Oil: A light oil used extensively in Indonesian cooking. Coconut oil is also used.- Rice Flour: Is finely ground white or brown rice and often used as a thickener.- Shrimp Paste(terasi): Extremely pungent, salty paste, sold in jars. Also available in hard blocks, use sparingly.- Soy Sauce (kecap): Light soy sauce which is thin and salty. Kecap manis is dark soy sauce which is thick and sweet.
That is some of the following ingredients that we can use when we make Indonesian dishes. To learn more about the Indonesian dishes recipes, please visit:, good luck for all of you guys.
About The Author Hermawan is an entrepreneur, and he has a lot of recipes idea to share, please visit:
Hermawan is an entrepreneur, and he has a lot of recipes idea to share, please visit:
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Thursday, February 08, 2007

Nasi Sawi

Bahan: 400 gr beras dicuci,tiriskan
250 gr daging ayam
300 gr tangkai sawi hijau
4 buah jamur hioko diseduh
4 siung bawang putih dicincang
2 sdt kecap asin
1 sdt minyak wijen
500 cc kaldu ayam
Garam,lada halus sesuai selera
Cara Membuat
1. Tumis bawang putih dengan mionyak goring dan minyak wijen sampai kuning .Masukkan irisan jamur, ayam,tangkai sawi aduk sampai layu .Masukkan beras ,aduk rata .Tuangi kaldu masak sampai air meresap.
2. Kukus sampai matang
Untuk : 5 Porsi


1. Menanak nasi secara konvensional lebih nikmat hasilnya daripada di masak dengan rice cooker.Masak (beras)dengan air sebanyak 1 ruas jari diatas permukaan beras.Setelah air tersebut mengering, tanak dalam dandang atau kukusan.
2. Beras ketan perlu direndam 1 jam sebelum dikukus.Setelah dikukus(10-15 menit),campur dengan santan .Aduk rata lalu kukus kembali hingga matang.Bila disukai ,bubuhkan sedikit garam dan daun pandan agar aromanya sedap.
3. Membuat nasi goreng sebaiknya menggunakan nasi dingin.Nasi yang masih hangat/panas akan menjadi hancur pada waktu diaduk.
4. Membuat bacang ,digunakan daun bumbu atau daun pandan yang lebar atau daun pisang.Caranya
Gabungkan dua helai daun ,tekuk dan buat kerucut
Tambahkan lagi daun ditengah isi dengan adonan lipat bagian atas daun,tangkupkan sisi-sisi daun hingga rapi ikat erat dengan tali rafia

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Nasi Ayam Hainan

Bahan: 400 gr beras
100 gr beras ketan putih
2 siung bawang putih dicincang
500 cc kaldu
1 sdt kecap asin
Bumbu penyedap
1 ekor ayam
3 batang daun bawang dipotong menyerong
1 bawang Bombay dipotong tipis
1 potong jahe dimemarkan
½ sdt lada halus
2 cabe merah rebus
1 iris jahe
1 siung bawang putih
Garam gula cuka
500 cc kaldu
1 buah lobak dipotong-potong
Cara Membuat
1.Tumis bawang putih sampai kuning,masukkan beras ,aduk sampai rata.Tuangi kaldu ,kecap asin ,bumbu penyedap.Masak sampai air terserap.Kukus sampai matang
2. Masukkan dun bawang,jahe dan bawang Bombay kedalam rongga perut ayam .Taruh dalam panic,beri air,lada halus,garam,rebus sampai matang.
3. Hidangkan nasi dengan rebusan ayam yang dipotong-potong,beserta kuah dan sambalnya
Porsi untuk 6 orang
Selamat mencoba….!!!!